Demonic males by richard wrangham how cooking
Richard wrangham catching fire
Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human is a book by British primatologist Richard Wrangham, published by Profile Books in England, and Basic Books in the US. It argues the hypothesis that cooking food was an essential element in the physiological evolution of human beings.
Demonic males by richard wrangham how cooking
Though most of the conversation was given over to the arguments in Wrangham's latest book Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human, I focused on the older Demonic .
Demonic males by richard wrangham how cooking made us human
Richard Wrangham argues that it was cooking that caused the extraordinary transformation of our ancestors from apelike beings to Homo erectus.
Demonic males by richard wrangham how cooking is done
Harvard biological anthropologist Wrangham (Demonic Males) dates the breakthrough in human evolution to a moment million years ago, when, he conjectures, our forebears tamed fire .