Marie therese charlotte of france photo

Category : Marie Thérèse Charlotte of France, Madame Royale

Marie-Thérèse Charlotte (19 December – 19 October ) was the eldest child of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette of France, and their only child to reach adulthood.

marie therese charlotte of france photo

Marie therese charlotte of france photo

La Princesse Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte, fille du Roi Louis XVI, part de Paris pour se rendre en Suisse.

Marie therese charlotte of france photo shoot

Original file ( × pixels, file size: KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) This is a faithful photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional, public domain work of art.
31 Marie Therese Charlotte Of France Stock …
Portrait of Marie Thérèse of France (Antoine-Jean Gros - Versailles) Details of 19th-century portrait paintings.