Michael phelps father estranged

Michael Phelps announces Death of His Father, Fred …

“I Was Shocked”: Michael Phelps Couldn’t Believe When His Estranged Father Showed Up To Help Him Go Through the Darkest Phase of His Life in
michael phelps father estranged

Michael phelps father estranged

The year-old swimmer has been estranged from his father since high school, and told reporters in that they weren’t on speaking terms and that he didn’t “want to get .

Michael phelps father

Olympian Michael Phelps has announced that his father, Fred Phelps, has passed away.
“I Was Shocked”: Michael Phelps Couldn’t Believe When His Estra…
Given that if Michael Phelps were a country he would stand 40th on the all-time medal table, it would be fair to say he had left a mark on the Olympic story long before he won his 19th gold medal.