Prediction d isaac asimov biography
Isaac asimov cause of death
Isaac Asimov, American author and biochemist, a highly successful and prolific writer of science fiction and science books for the layperson.
Isaac asimov books in order
Back in , Isaac Asimov laid out a set of predictions about what technology would look like 50 years from then.
Isaac asimov famous works
In , the Toronto Star invited Asimov to predict the answer to a specific question: "What will the world look like in ?" It was a fitting time to pose the question, the .
Isaac asimov - wikipedia
年には彼の名前を冠したSF雑誌「アイザック・アシモフズ・サイエンス・フィクション・マガジン Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 」が創刊された(現在の誌名は「アシモフズ・サイエンス・フィクション Asimov's Science Fiction 」)。.